Checking In

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In The Human Side of Changing Education, I introduced the skills and habits of mind needed to thrive in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world. These past two weeks have felt like VUCA on steroids and those skills and habits of mind are ever more needed, I would argue required, to navigate our way through this 'new normal'.

How long with this go on? How deep will the effects be? How might our institutions be forever changed? I don't know. Right now I have more questions than answers - and I will leave those answers to the futurists. What I do know is this is a global invitation to face reality, pause, make the decisions that need to be made, and to be kind to ourselves and to others as we collectively navigate this path together.

In just two short weeks we have witnessed 300+ year old institutions of education convert their entire learning experience online. Yes, schools are slow to change. Except when they are not. I am struck by the eternal depth of our human capacity and what we are capable of, and how we can collectively rise, when faced with crisis. While none of us know the depth and extent of what we are currently living through, I do know that it is imperative that we lean on each other and ask for help when we need it. I am here if you would like to talk. No charge and no agenda. Simply email me and we will set up a time to get together via phone or Zoom.

In the meantime, here are three resources to support you: research-based strategy packages for families with students with special needs, a heart-warming example of a superintendent, Dr. Amy, thanking her teachers and administrators for their great work during this time, and a 50,000ft reflection and perspective entitled, Preparing for a Confusing Future Complexity, Warm Data and Education.

Stay safe, stay well,
