The academic year is well underway and I hope the implementation of your visioning/strategy work is taking shape and form. Too often though the gravitational force of the status quo takes our attention away from the priorities we know will take our schools into the future. An academic year has so many competing commitments, and as a leader of change you essentially have the concomitant responsibilities of keeping the trains running of the existing system, whilst nurturing the fledging work to design, build and support the new.
For the next few editions of the IFL newsletter, I will be sharing excerpts from The Human Side of Changing Education - stand-along excerpts with an accompanying tool or strategy you can put into practice to help you navigate your own path of school or district change. This month's excerpt is entitled "Leading Through the Uncertainty of Change."
I hope you find it to be helpful - and if you ever have a resource you would like to recommend to IFL readers on leading change in education, I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to email me or reach out anytime.